Joseph Orzal
Joseph Orzal (Ignacio Joseph Orzal or JoJo-Beans) is a Filipino-Mexican American painter, sculptor, chess player and writer active in DC, Atlanta, New York, and Toronto. His Works, which combine a realistic observation of the human state, both physical and emotional, with a dramatic use of lighting usually explore palpable yet unspoken intricacies of racial, sexual, and class distinctions in Western societies, and their inevitable if unnameable tensions. He is a formative influence on the revolutionary developments in the plastic arts in the opening decades of the twenty-first century, responsible for significant developments in painting, sculpture, and social practice. After his glorious departure from the Corcoran gallery of Art for which he was part of the notorious Save the Corcoran group, he co-founded the infamous NoMüNoMü, a revolutionary intersectional artistic organization active in the United States working towards liberation for broader society from perpetual systems of oppression and class domination that permeate throughout the so called white mans so called art world.
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