Ziad Nagy : SOUND

Ziad Nagy: SOUND

Like many, artist Ziad Nagy is attracted to conspiracy theories, such as Ong’s Hat. For Ziad, the immediate allure to conspiracies is the fact that they are unpopular truths, but even in their knowing fictionalizations, he is compelled.

Listen to Ziad’s rendition of Ong’s Hat, which he composed for Radiophrenia in Glasgow. The sound piece is devised of hollow samples, set to a drawn-out structure, so that what comes next is hard to predict, but familiar. The process becomes like trying to understand an emulation of what is natural.

“Hence,” says Ziad, “Ong’s Hat is a strange truth that we seek alternative realities barefaced, whether the conspiracy of the inter-dimensional gate is true or not.”

Ziad Nagy (1989) is an interdisciplinary artist. He uses found material in an array of mediums to create interventions that are broadly existential: identity, life, death, and time.

See more of Ziad's work in the FlatFile here

Sound Artwork credit: Ziad Nagy, Ong’s Hat, 2020, sound/music, duration: 13 min 53 sec.