Yar Koporulin: SIGHT, TASTE

Join us in toasting Yaroslav Koporulin, friend and beloved artist, taken from this world far too young this past fall. Transformer was privileged to know and work with Yar, and honored to share a special selection of his artworks in our FlatFile program. We toast Yar with this “Bubbling Over” winter cocktail recipe created by Tony Lawson, beverage director of Hill Prince, who recently included Yar’s artwork in the neighborhood bar’s growing art collection.   

Yaroslav Koporulin grew up in post-Soviet Moscow, and witnessed a dramatic transformation of Russian life and culture. With the use of metaphorical settings, objects and characters, he created his own mythology inspired by history, a rise and fall of power structures, and conflicting intricacy of human existence in the world. 

Consider donating to support Yar’s husband and children through the GoFundMe campaign set up by Yar’s American University colleagues, by searching Yaroslav Koporulin on GoFundMe.

Image Credits: 1. Yar Koporulin, “Far North,” 2016, Silkscreen and acrylic on paper. 2. “Bubbling Over,” photograph courtesy of Tony Lawson. 3. Hill Prince Recipe, “Bubblig Over.” 4. Yar Koporulin, “Untitled,” 2017, Intaglio on paper. Photograph courtesy of Tony Lawson.